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Opportunities for Downtowns Post Pandemic
Featured speaker: Bob Gibbs, FASLA, AICP
Friday, September 18 - 3:30-5:00pm
Since the beginning of mankind, the shopping experience has evolved to meet the ever-changing desires of the public. This evolution has taken us from rural markets, to towns, cities, suburban shopping malls, big box stores, to the internet and recently, back to main street. Since March, US retail and restaurant sales have declined by 50 percent, 50,000 stores have closed and over 75 percent of shopping centers are forecast to close by 2025.
But what will retail shopping look like in the post-Pandemic era, and once people return from home for their shopping experiences? This timely session will highlight the unexpected opportunities for Michigan small towns, cities and suburban commercial centers during these uncertain times.
LA Ride
Saturday, September 26 - 12:00-5:30pm
LA Ride Detroit Month of Design CycleTour 2020 is an interactive, slow to medium-paced 12 mile loop bike ride, open to the public, where riders visit locations designed by landscape architects throughout the host city. They will hear details about the featured projects from the professionals who actually worked on them. We explore city-scapes, parks, trail systems, sustainable landscapes, school campuses, sports facilities, gardens, urban agricultural sites and historic places, all of which were designed and created by Landscape Architects. Every ride includes “Lecture Sites” and “Mini Stops” where planners, advocates, and technical staff give interactive presentations to the group. CEU’s are also available for each ride. Expect an "afterparty" and the end of the cycle tour. Proceeds from sponsorships and contributions support MiASLA scholarships, mentoring programs, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion projects – opening “On Ramps” to careers, opportunities and the future. Learn more here.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Design Arts: Turning Conversation into Action
Featured speaker: Damon Leverett, AIA, NCARB, NOMA
Friday, October 2 - 6:00-7:30pm
In this session we will discuss strategies for how an organization can translate concerns and conversations about equity, diversity and inclusion and translate them into action. These strategies include specific steps groups may take, but more importantly emphasizes the importance of encouraging participants to commit to a purpose driven engagement. Areas of focus include EDI committee governance, statistical assessment, brainstorming, parking, and implementation. Damon will draw from examples and experience in working with groups at the American Institute of Architects and with students of the National Organization of Minority Architects.
ADA Enforcement Trends: Playgrounds, Sports Fields, and More!
Featured speaker: John N. McGovern, JD
Friday, October 9 - 3:30-5:00pm
Surprisingly, enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) remains robust, in this era of reducing the number of federal agency staff working on civil rights laws. This session will review enforcement methods and trends, discuss the ADA mandates for sites that are still not addressed by many Michigan units of local government, and draw a hard line between how to approach new design and existing facilities. We will also focus on two case studies, one regarding playground accessibility and the other regarding access to sports fields and courts. Attendees will leave with a great understanding of enforcement methods and trends, and information about how to apply the design standards to projects under their control today.
Live Trivia Night and Social
Thursday, October 15 - 6:00-7:30pm
Join us for a fun night of socializing with your fellow landscape architects and test your knowledge during the Michigan Virtual Conference on Landscape Architecture Live Trivia Night! The winning team will earn bragging rights on the Michigan ASLA social media platforms and a digital certificate from the Chapter and Social Events Committee.
State of the Chapter and Awards Ceremony
Thursday, October 22 - 6:00-8:00pm
Join your colleagues from around the state to celebrate landscape architecture in Michigan. We’ll start the evening with a brief State of the Chapter address. The Executive Committee will discuss how the Chapter has been impacted by and is responding to the events of 2020, and what is to come moving forward. During our virtual awards ceremony we will recognize the great professional and student work coming out of the Chapter and present our annual President’s Awards.